Wednesday, 16 April 2014

7 Ways to Become Irreplaceable at Work

Do you want to be irreplaceable at work? In fact, no one is indispensable. But it doesn’t mean that you can’t become irreplaceable. Moreover, it can give you the competitive advantage in terms of promotion opportunity and salary increment. If you want to get ahead at work you should get more done. Because the worker getting more done will be viewed much better than the worker who doesn’t. Here are some tips for becoming irreplaceable at work!
Ways to Become Irreplaceable at Work

1. Stay motivated every day

I know, staying motivated isn’t always easy, but it’s something that drives you and makes you take sacrifices. After all, no one can motivate you. You know your priorities and you know what you should do! Stay motivated every day at work and show your boss that you are always positive and energetic and you are more irreplaceable than those employees who are always down and feeling blue.

2. Become an early riser

Even if you’re not an early riser, it might be a time to start. Try to get up early and you will have one or two extra hours for numerous things. There is no unnecessary stress, no rush, and you can do lots of things before your colleagues even come to work. From my experience I can say that you’ll get more done and you’ll also have free time for your initiatives. Being an early riser can also impress your boss.

3. Manage time wisely

How do you manage your time? I hope you know that using your time wisely is the best way to get more done in a day. For being effective and efficient it’s crucial to know your priorities and time lines. If you want to know how to be irreplaceable you should be able to manage your time wisely and use it well.

4. Stay connected

Firstly, you have to be self-conscious about yourself. If you don’t know yourself, you can’t say you know other people. You should be reflective so you know your own thoughts, beliefs, words and actions. Start relating to another colleague who knows better this relationship can affect the company and its objectives. When you’re sincere with yourself, you can be sincere to other people.

5. Set high goals

Setting good high goals shows your boss that you have ambitions. People respect winners and they rather help you to achieve your aims than bring you down. If you have colleagues who are constantly trying to bring you down, they might be toxic people so get away from them or work around them. Setting high goals also helps you to stay challenged. People who are constantly overcoming challenges become good at what they do.

6. Stay collaborative

It’s very important to learn how to gain agreement or cooperation with different people and find a common ground. Not everyone can do this. You should overcome your ego and try to work for the greater good of your company. You need also learn to share any ideas, information and solutions, which can help to improve work. Build mutual trust and friendship among co-workers. In this way you will not only have your boss’s support when you get promotion but your co-workers too.

7. Stay enthusiastic

Try to bring enthusiasm and energy into your work and engage your colleagues in it. Be incessant in achieving the highest goal of the company because when you do this you can become irreplaceable. Think and speak about what can be done and look for ways to do it. Stay positive in your undertaking and remember that with energy and enthusiasm you can get more done.
I hope these 7 action steps help you to become irreplaceable at work. Do you know how to be irreplaceable? Share your thoughts, please!

7 Great Ways to Become a Good Team Player at Work

A success of an enterprise mostly depends on how the employees manage to work in team. That`s why to be an effective team worker is the key to success and probably to a promotion. Team players are usually skillful, active, and initiative. Your efforts will be noticed and rewarded accordingly. Helping your colleagues is never a waste of time, it is important to think of an overall picture because you all have one purpose. Follow these ways that I offer you and they will help you become a part of a united team.
Great Ways to Become a Good Team Player at Work

1. Be reliable

Team work is not only about being nice and friendly with everybody. It also means that you are a person to rely on. You have to be aware of your responsibilities and you are to carry them out no matter what. You are to keep your promise as well. If you promise to finish the project till tomorrow then do it. If you fail you let down all the team. You can never do the work by fits and starts because certain standard of quality is to be set and stuck to.

2. Be helpful

As your work goes smoothly and you finish everything in time don`t leave your coworkers without attention. Your colleagues will be grateful if you offer to make them tea or coffee. Don`t be shy to offer them your help. Various situations might appear in the process of work and you may face different problems. Be a kind of an office angel who can help a coworker to meet a deadline, who can encourage his colleague when everything goes wrong. Even if you tell a joke and make everybody laugh it will lift team spirits and reduces stress.

3. Be a social butterfly

Being in a team means to have friendly relations with your coworkers. You should know all the people you work with, not only your boss and a man sitting opposite. Friendly chats at lunch over a cup of coffee are a good start. Then your work will be more pleasant and more effective. A friendly atmosphere will only be for the better and you all can work and yield results.

4. Be a yes-girl

This principle seems so easy to keep but yet so difficult. How do you think you would manage to agree to all the offers and requests, help when necessary and take extra responsibilities, like organizing a general visit to the theatre. It is rather challenging, as it requires some additional time, which I think you`d rather spend on yourself or your nearest and dearest. Becoming a good team worker presupposes giving much energy, time and efforts to your job and it can`t be otherwise.

5. Do a great job

Without doubt your boss won`t tolerate a second-rate work from you, as well as from your colleagues. Every worker is an integral part of a machine and if one brakes the whole machine goes out of order. So you are to work hard and do your best, to show that you are a real professional. When every person in the team pushes for success, the whole team will undoubtedly achieve great things. Be that part of the machine which is right and necessary but not which causes troubles.

6. Be emotionally intelligent

If you have such a skill, use it, if you don`t – develop it. If your emotional radar are geared up for emotions of others you can enjoy all the benefits of it. People in the office around you most likely won`t be showing their emotional stress. If you see that somebody is not okay no matter what reason, be supportive and kind. We all need to be comforted though we never consent.

7. Be a manager

I also advise to use your managing skills. Try to become a leader and group your colleagues into a band. People working together inevitably spend much time in one premise and get to know each other quite good. It would be great if you and some of your coworkers would spend some time together after work. Experienced employers have long ago found out that the team works with a better result if they stay together outside the office. So if you become a non-official leader, your boss will notice it.
So, as you see to be a good team worker is not that easy as it seems at the first sight. You should be full of enthusiasm and initiative, be friendly and of course be a professional at what you do. Anyway, when a person has a goal and a strong desire to reach it there is nothing impossible. Do you find yourself as a part of a team? What do you do to become irreplaceable among your colleagues? Please share your thoughts in the comments section!

7 Tips on How to Become a Successful Leader

Whether in your personal or professional life, it’s not easy being a successful leader, especially if you are a woman. When you are put in charge, you want to ensure everyone looking to you to respect you and feel that you really respect them. If you are a leader and you want to better your leadership abilities, here are a few tips to follow. If you are going to become a successful leader, these tips will help you too.
Tips on How to Become a Successful Leader

1. Listen

Just because you are a leader does not mean you need to talk all the time. Motivate your team to share their ideas. They will feel more valued, if you listen to them and incorporate their bright ideas. Sure, you do not have to use all ideas, but if you see that some ideas are really creative, make sure you use them. Sometimes it’s okay to step aside and allow your team to speak out.

2. Become more approachable

Typically, a leader sits in the office the whole day and rarely takes the time to talk and to listen to their team members. If you want to become a successful leader, let your team know they can freely come and speak to you any time of the work day. Whether it is a question about their job, sharing new ideas, problems at work or personal issues, try to listen and help. You don’t have to become their best friend and don’t have to listen to the gossip, but being more approachable will help you become a better leader.

3. Find a great role model

Every leader is different and it can be hard to find a good role model, but try to take the time to choose a successful leader and ask how they cope with daily challenges and how they motivate their team. Use these techniques and qualities to become a successful leader yourself. Feel free to talk to your role model, when you have some problems.

4. Reward your team members for good work

It’s not difficult to say ‘Good Job,’ isn’t it? If your team member did a good job, don’t forget to reward them. It can be a friendly email, a pat on the back, or a real reward such as a longer lunch or break. This way, you will show your team that their work is appreciated and you can make them feel incredible.

5. Don’t be wishy-washy

Remember you are a leader and you should always be clear, especially when you give your team new tasks. Try to give your team members to-do lists every week, which clearly state which tasks have to be accomplished and when. They will spend more time getting work done and less time asking questions. This will also help prevent numerous misunderstandings.

6. Have a good sense of humor

Even if you are a good leader, there are always going to be hard days. Don’t be too serious, when something goes wrong. If your team members see you making jokes out of a failure or laughing about a mishap, they will be less stressed and they won’t dwell on that failure the whole day or week. Developing a good sense of humor is not easy, but it’s very important.
7. Stay positive
If you have a negative attitude about everything, you will never become a successful leader. Positivity is the key to everything and it will help you motivate your team to work better and they won’t feel so miserable at work. Show your team you love your job, stay positive, and they will do their job even better.
Hopefully, these tips helped you and you will soon become a successful leader. Just try to communicate clearly, stay positive, and listen to your team members. If you have any other tips on how to become a successful leader, please, share them with us in the comments section.

7 Tips on How to Forgive Other People

All of us have people who have hurt us. And while you are festering with anger, and wallowing in hurt and sorrow, the other person has forgotten about the incident. If you don’t confront the other person, they may not know they have hurt you. Follow these simple tips to forgive other people and set yourself free from the resentment, anger and grudges and move on.
Tips on How to Forgive Other People

1. Let go of anger

I had to do it recently and I know how it’s hard. Forgiveness starts with clearing your mind and your heart from anger. The wrong that was done against you justifies your anger, but you have already decided to forgive, that’s why now you should let go of anger.

2. Set your mind on forgiveness

Forgiveness is not about the other people. It’s all about letting go of negative feelings. If you have been holding on to something for a while after the incident, then you have let it eat away at you. Now it’s time to let go and forgive.

3. Say it out loud

Often things may seem more real when you shout them out. Your words have power so you should use them for good. Speak your forgiveness. It is not necessary to share it with someone. You can read your journal entry out loud to yourself. The power of hearing all those words can help to set you free. Make sure to repeat that you’re forgiving the person a few times.

4. Write it out

I’m a huge fan of keeping a journal and writing out my feelings. This is a great form of self-therapy. Keeping a journal helps to release pent-up emotions. Start the journal entry out as a letter to someone you are forgiving. Start with “I forgive you for…” and then write down all your feelings and everything that took place.

5. Seek your own forgiveness

It is important to realize that you might also need forgiveness. It does not have to be for this certain situation. It can be for anything. Perhaps your depression and anger has led you to hurt other people. Free yourself and apologize to anyone you may have hurt in the past.

6. Journal it again

After you feel free of the resentment and anger, write about your thoughts and feelings of forgiveness. Perhaps, it is the most important step in finishing the forgiveness process. Moreover, it gives you a good reference for the future to see the process of forgiveness in action.

7. Accept their ignorance

People who hurt you might not have been acting intentionally. They might have been upset and hurt themselves, and acting sharply against you offered them some kind of relief. People who have been hurt tend to hurt others. Forgiveness may be easier a little, if you know this to be true in your situation. You have to know that sometimes people can act selfishly without thinking of the consequences of their actions.
Remember forgiveness is not about other people, it is about you. Is there someone you have to forgive? Do you have some tips on how to forgive other people? Share your thoughts, please!

7 Rules You Should Live By to Have More Peace in Life

We all live in a busy world and it’s hard to have more peace when you constantly feel stressed and anxious. If you don’t have inner peace, you can’t achieve peace in the outer world. Just like #Marcus Aurelius once said, “He who lives in harmony with himself lives in harmony with the universe.” We often do and say things we don’t mean, we argue with people we love, and we often forget the most important things in life, so we often end up feeling miserable and absolutely unhappy. Take a look at the list of 7 rules you should live by to have more peace in your life.
Rules You Should Live By to Have More Peace in Life

1. Forgive

Forgiveness is the first rule you should live by to have more peace in life. Forgive others and yourself no matter what they and you did. If your friend wasn’t there at a time you needed her, forgive her. If your sibling said something hurtful to you, forgive them. We are human beings, and we all tend to make mistakes. By forgiving everyone, you will be able to live life without anger and grievance. You should also forgive yourself for everything you’ve done and everything you can’t change.
2. Accept things you can’t change
As I said before, we are human beings so we can’t change everything, the only thing we can do is to accept those things we can’t change. Try to accept circumstances in your life that have been hurtful, all mistakes you have made, and things that are holding you back from moving forward in life. If you really can’t change them, accept them. This way, you will be able to move on with your life and have more peace in life.

3. Relate to others

It’s so easy to judge others, especially when we are angry at someone, but if you want to have more peace in life, you should learn to relate to others. It’s easy to say that woman is rude and it’s easy to avoid her, but I think it’s important to understand the reason why she behaves in that way. She might be nice and kind, and a grief or some life problems might make her unfriendly. Instead of avoiding someone, try to understand them and help them. Put yourself in their shoes and don’t judge anyone.

4. Let go of other people’s opinions

To have more peace in life, you have to let go of the past and other people’s opinions. You need also to let go of any restraint that is holding you back from reaching your goals. When we dwell on the past, we can’t look forward and we can’t live a happy and fulfilled life.

5. Refresh your life

It’s important to refresh your life with new goals, new dreams and new ideas once in a while. I do it a few times a year and it helps me to live more interesting life and to live life with purpose. Just make sure you don’t set too many goals. You need to relax every day no matter how busy your schedule is. Wealth is nothing without health. You can’t have more peace in life, when you work the whole day and night.

6. Improve your relationships

We should never stop improving relationships with ourselves and other people. To live more peaceful life, try to come to good terms with your parents, siblings, friends, co-workers and even enemies. This will give you a great sense of peace. Plus, you will worry less and stress less.
7. Revive your efforts
Finally, check in with yourself every month and if you are not living by one of the rules mentioned above, make sure you revive these principles and start over. We all have busy schedules, so it’s no wonder we forget what matters. That’s why we need to know the rules to live by to have more peace in life.
Bring more peace to your life by following these tips. They have helped me over the years and I hope they will help you as well. Do you have any rules you live by to have more peace? Share your thoughts with us, please.